Virgin Islands

Signed into law:
April 7, 2010
Eavey-Monique James
Commissioner / Compact Administrator, VI

- Direct Phone: (340) 719-6980
- Office Phone:
- Fax:
- Office Email:
- Personal Email:
- Commissioner / Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- ICJ Compact Office
- Department of Human Services
- 1303 Hospital Ground Knud Hansen Complex, Ste. 1
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Vaughn Walwyn
Deputy Compact Administrator, VI

- Direct Phone: (340) 774-0930 , ext. 4225.
- Office Phone:
- Fax:
- Office Email:
- Personal Email:
- Deputy Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- ICJ Compact Office
- Department of Human Services
- 1303 Hospital Ground Knud Hansen Complex, Ste. 1
St. Thomas, VI 00802
State Council
Scott Bradley, Executive Director - My Brother's Workshop
Cira Burke, Director of TANF/JOBS - VI Department of Human Services
Elma Brathwaite-Curtis, Victim Services Coordinator - VI Department of Justice
Eavey-Monique C. James (CA)
Honorable Senator Javan E. James, Sr.
Ms. Clema Lewis (Executive Director) Women's Coalition of St. Croix) and
Chief Steven Phillip, VI Police Department, St. Thomas/St. John District
Julia Sheen, DrPH- Policy Advisor on Health & Human Services (Office of the Governor)
Anya Stuart (Executive Director) Family Resource Center, Inc.
and Vaughn A. Walwyn (DCA)
Honorable Judge Debra S. Watlington, Judiciary of the Virgin Islands