To help ensure successful transitions in ICJ Offices throughout its membership, the Commission operates a Mentoring Program. ICJ Mentors provide guidance, technical assistance and structured learning as required with new state commissioners, compact administrators, deputy compact administrators, and other ICJ office staff who are transitioning into a new compact role within their state for continuity of state performance under ICJ Rules. View the ICJ Mentoring Program policy.
Each mentor and mentee pair is encouraged to enter into a Mentoring Agreement, specifying confidentiality parameters, agreed times to meet, professional behavior and topics/agenda goals. View a sample Mentoring Agreement.
If a dispute or controversy arises between member states, refer to ICJ Rule 9-101: Initial Dispute Resolution and Interpretation of the Rules and ICJ Compliance Policy 03-2009: Dispute Resolution for requesting the Commission’s assistance with dispute resolution, interpretation of the ICJ Rules, or filing an allegation of default. The mentor shall not intervene to attempt to resolve the dispute or take any action on behalf of the mentee or other member state.
If you are interested in applying for the program or becoming a mentor, please find the appropriate form below in the "How do I become a..."? sections below and submit a request to the National Office.
Read more about roles and eligibility by expanding the sections below: