Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session, with the exception of rulemaking and/or amendments to the compact.  The power of the Executive Committee is subject to any limitations imposed by the Commission, the Compact, or its By-laws.

The Executive Committee is responsible for monitoring the health, needs, and accomplishments of the Commission while also ensuring the organization operates according to its By-laws.  As described in  ICJ Article III (F), the functions include, but are not limited to: 

  • Financial management;
  • Strategic planning;
  • Scheduling of full Commission meetings;
  • Oversight of day-to-day activities of the administration of the compact, managed by the Executive Director;
  • Administration of enforcement and compliance activities; and
  • Performs such other duties as directed by the Interstate Commission or set forth in the By-laws.

2024 - 2025 Meeting Dates:

  • November 7, 2024 @ 12pm ET
  • December 12, 2024 @ 12pm ET


Howard Wykes

Designee/Deputy Compact Administrator, Arizona

Howard Wykes began his career in the juvenile justice field in 2001, working as a youth correctional officer for the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections. He has always enjoyed working with juveniles and felt this was a way for him to provide wisdom that could lead to opportunities for the juveniles. In 2004, Howard was promoted to Parole Officer and got the opportunity to have a more direct impact on the juveniles in the system. This was also his first exposure to ICJ as a supervising field officer. In 2014, Howard was promoted to Parole Supervisor which enabled him the opportunity to have a greater reach on the number of juveniles he was coming into contact with. He has since transitioned from field supervision of juveniles to mentoring those doing the field supervision of ICJ youth. This offered a chance to share his experience and lessons learned from his time in the field. In 2019, Howard was promoted into an administrative position including taking over as the Deputy Compact Administrator for the Arizona ICJ office. He attended his first ABM that year in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he loved meeting other ICJ practitioners from around the country. Howard got further involved with ICJ by serving on an Ad Hoc committee, the Training Committee, Technology Committee, and Rules Committee. In 2022, Howard was appointed the Arizona ICJ Full Time Designee and was elected as the Western Region Rep at the 2022 ABM in Vermont.  

Vice Chair

Caitlyn Bickford

Commissioner/Deputy Compact Administrator/UNITY Coordinator, New Hampshire

Caitlyn Bickford is the Commissioner and Deputy Compact Administrator for the New Hampshire Division for Children, Youth and Families Interstate Office.  Caitlyn began her career with NH DCYF in 2007 as a Child Protective Service Worker (CPSW) in a local district office, working closely with families with a substantiated finding of abuse or neglect in order to reunify children with their parents, or assisting the parents with maintaining their children in their home.  Caitlyn then worked as a Permanency CPSW, focusing on achieving sustainable permanency for children that were legally free for adoption.  From there, she was promoted to the position of Permanency Supervisor within that local office, where she supervised a staff of 6-8 workers, along with ensuring a sustained attention on permanency for all of the children within that local office.   After 4-years as a Supervisor, Caitlyn then accepted a position within NH DCYF’s State Office as the Deputy Compact Administrator for the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) in 2017.  At that time, ICJ was being managed by another position within State Office.  Caitlyn advocated for ICPC and ICJ to be under the same position given the similarities and unique crossover there often is, especially given Child Protection and Juvenile Justice are both within NH DCYF.  Caitlyn became the Commissioner and DCA for ICJ in 2018.  Her position continued to expand in 2018 with the addition of a specific home study unit responsible for completing all incoming ICPC Home Studies, which she supervises and oversees. Caitlyn’s position once again expanded when began overseeing the Human Trafficking program in 2020.  As the Interstate Programs Administrator of New Hampshire, Caitlyn oversees ICPC, ICJ and the Human Trafficking Program Specialist. 


Sherry Jones

Commissioner/Deputy Compact Administrator/UNITY Coordinator, Maryland

Sherry Jones has more than 27 years of advocacy, education/training, prevention, beauty culture, formal/informal mentorship, policy development, management, leadership, and coaching. Sherry is currently the Interstate Commission for Juveniles' Treasurer, Maryland ICJ Commissioner, and Deputy Compact Administrator. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the Interstate Compact Unit and resolves discrepancies between State and local laws and ICJ Rules, policies, and procedures. Since 2009, Ms. Jones has been an active member of the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force Victim Services Committee. In December 2017, she joined the Baltimore City Human Trafficking Collaborative and Public Awareness Committee. Ms. Jones is co-chair of the Baltimore City Human Trafficking Victims Services Committee. She worked as Maryland DJS Resource Specialist, Aftercare Counselor, and Probation Officer on the Female Intervention Team. Also, she's a Maryland Certified Adjunct Instructor, Sexual Assault Advocate, Victim Assistance Specialist, HIV Prevention Counselor, and Human Trafficking Trainer. 

Ms. Jones earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Coppin State University and an Associate degree in Early Childhood Education from Baltimore City Community College and Eldorado's Cosmetology School. She graduated from the inaugural Maryland Department of Juvenile Service Leadership and ICJ Commission for Juvenile Leadership Exchange Programs (2021). Ms. Jones is a 2019 graduate of the Towson University Women's Leadership Program and one of Maryland's Top 100 Women Honorees for her Professional Accomplishment, Community Leadership, and Mentoring (2021). In 2021, Ms. Jones founded the I Am Her "Teal Sand Project" to address the issue of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of women, boys, and girls in her spare time through advocacy, education, and community engagements.

Immediate Past Chair

Nina Belli

Commissioner/UNITY Coordinator/Regional Representative, Oregon

Nina Belli serves as the Juvenile Interstate Compact (ICJ) Commissioner and Deputy Compact Administrator for Oregon, employed by the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) since 2018 and is currently serving as Chair of the ICJ Executive Committee. She has worked in diverse juvenile justice systems by overseeing and conducting the daily operations of 2 state’s ICJ offices in 2 separate regions over the course of 8 years: those being the Ohio and Oregon ICJ Offices. Ms. Belli served as Ohio’s ICJ Commissioner from 2014-2018. During her time with OYA, Ms. Belli has assisted in drafting legislation within the state of Oregon as well as various state policies in both Oregon and Ohio to ensure their state’s compliance with ICJ. Ms. Belli currently serves on the Oregon Department of Justice Trafficking Intervention Advisory Committee. Ms. Belli served for 4 years as the Midwest Region Representative and served on the Executive Committee in that role. In addition, Ms. Belli has also served as Vice Chair of the ICJ Executive Committee, Vice Chair of the Finance Committee and as the Alternate West Region Representative. Ms. Belli has conducted and participated in numerous ICJ trainings and seminars with juvenile courts, state juvenile justice departments, law enforcement, and social service agencies. Prior to her work with ICJ, Ms. Belli served as a Victim Advocate and as a Court and Agency Investigator at the city, county, and state levels of government. Ms. Belli is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work.

Compliance Committee Chair

Jacey R. Rader

Commissioner/Regional Representative, Nebraska

Jacey Rader was appointed as Assistant Deputy Administrator of the Administration & Operations Division in May of 2018.  Jacey serves as the Commissioner for the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) and the Interstate Commission for Juveniles in the State of Nebraska. Jacey graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2002 and has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. She began her career with probation in 2004, and served as a probation officer until 2013, when she was promoted to Compliance Officer with the Administrative Office of Probation. In 2014, she was appointed to the Deputy Compact Administrator position and currently serves as the Commissioner for the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). 

Finance Committee Chair

Dale Dodd

Commissioner/UNITY Coordinator, New Mexico

Dale is the current Commissioner of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles Office in the State of New Mexico. Prior to taking this position in 2002, he worked as a Juvenile Probation and Parole Officer in New Mexico since 1998. Dale’s experience includes working with juveniles in both California and New Mexico as a Juvenile Detention Center supervisor as well as a manager of a residential treatment facility in California before moving to New Mexico. An active member of the Association of Juvenile Compact Administrators, Dale served three terms on the Executive Board and numerous other Committees. Dale currently serves as the West Region Representative and is a member of the Executive Committee for the Interstate Commission for Juveniles.

Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair

Francis Casey

Commissioner, Delaware

Mike Casey is the Compact Administrator for the State of Delaware (ICPC, ICJ and ICAMA). Mike began his career in juvenile justice in 1990, serving for 12 years as a counselor in a residential care setting. Mike spent the following 15 years gaining extensive child welfare experience with the Division of Family Services as both a case manager and supervisor in the Adolescent Treatment/Permanency Unit. Mike joined the Interstate Compact Unit in 2017 and in 2020, was promoted to supervisor of the Liaison Services Team, which includes the Interstate Compact Unit and Statewide Family Court Liaison Unit. Mike currently serves as the Vice Chairperson of the Commission’s Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, serves on the AAICAMA Executive Board as member at large, and previously served on the AAICPC Executive Committee as member at large.

Rules Committee Chair

Julie Hawkins

UNITY Coordinator/Commissioner/Deputy Compact Administrator, Missouri

Julie Hawkins received her Bachelor of Social Work from William Woods University in 1998. She has been employed with Missouri Division of Youth Services for over 20 years. During this time, she has worked as a Youth Specialist, Facility Manager, and in her current capacity as Commissioner/Deputy Compact Administrator for the Interstate Compact for Juveniles. Her favorite quote is, “As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." -Mary Anne Radmacher - Commissioner Hawkins provides a vast wealth of knowledge from a historical perspective as a longstanding member of the Rules committee and never shies away from responsibility. She often volunteers to draft language or provide further information to aid in the decision-making and rule proposal process. During her tenure she has served as chair of the Adult/Juvenile Ad Hoc Committee, Rules Committee and currently in the capacity of Vice Chair of the Commission.

Technology Committee Chair

Kellianne Torres

Designee/Deputy Compact Administrator/UNITY Coordinator, Iowa

Kellianne Torres serves as the Deputy Compact Administrator and Full Time Designee for Iowa. She received her Bachelor’s in Social Work from Tarleton State University in 2009. Ms. Torres started her career working for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services in 2009 as a conservatorship caseworker with Child Protective Services. She quickly moved into supervision where she gained experience supervising units in multiple program areas before moving into a training supervisor position. She returned to her home state of Iowa in 2016 where she continued working in child welfare as a social work supervisor. Ms. Torres transitioned into the DCA position in August of 2019. She currently serves as the Chairperson of the Information Technology Committee and been part of several sub committees with the Commission.

Training Committee Chair

Robert Heide

Commissioner, Alaska

Robert Heide began his career with the State of Alaska in 2011, working as an adult probation officer. After transferring from Anchorage to Juneau in 2012, Rob became a Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certified instructor in several topics including: firearms, control tactics, taser, and instructor development. Training quickly became a passion and in 2016, Rob transferred to the Department of Public Safety where he worked as a Training Coordinator for Alaska’s POST agency. In 2020, Rob began working for Alaska’s Division of Juvenile Justice as a policy and legislative specialist and quickly promoted to Deputy Director of Programs and Planning. Rob is responsible for all training, policy, grants, data, and mental health programming for the Division. As Deputy Director, Rob also serves as Alaska’s ICJ Commissioner which – while only a small percentage of his overall duties – is his favorite part of the job. Rob has served as a member of the Training Committee as well as the most recent vice chair of the committee.

Rob has a passion for skiing and devotes his winter weekends to teaching ski lessons to youth; he has even taught lessons to youth in the local juvenile institutional facility. He also coaches youth sports and has volunteered as a Big for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Rob is a graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy with a Bachelors of Science in Architecture as well as the University of Alaska Southeast with a Masters of Public Administration.

East Regional Representative

Trissie Casanova

Compact Office/Deputy Compact Administrator/Designee/UNITY Coordinator, Vermont

Trissie Casanova, LICSW serves as the ICJ/ICPC Deputy Compact Administrator and Human Trafficking Consultant for the State of Vermont.   She has served within these roles for the last six years.  Ms. Casanova has worked for the Vermont Department for Children and Families Family Services Division for 20 years, in that time she has worked as a child protection worker, juvenile probation officer and child protection investigator. She sits on Vermont’s Human Trafficking Task Force Training & Outreach Committee, she co-chairs a Human Trafficking MDT in Vermont’s largest county and co-chairs DCF’s Human Trafficking Work Group that helped develop DCF’s screening tool to screen for risk of sex trafficking. Ms. Casanova obtained her Master’s in Social Work at the University of Vermont and her undergraduate degree in Psychology at St. Michael’s College. 

Midwest Regional Representative

Jacey R. Rader

Commissioner/Compliance Committee Chair, Nebraska

Jacey Rader was appointed as Assistant Deputy Administrator of the Administration & Operations Division in May of 2018.  Jacey serves as the Commissioner for the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) and the Interstate Commission for Juveniles in the State of Nebraska. Jacey graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2002 and has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. She began her career with probation in 2004, and served as a probation officer until 2013, when she was promoted to Compliance Officer with the Administrative Office of Probation. In 2014, she was appointed to the Deputy Compact Administrator position and currently serves as the Commissioner for the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). 

South Regional Representative

Felicia Dauway

Compact Office/Deputy Compact Administrator/Designee/UNITY Coordinator, South Carolina

Felicia L. Dauway is the Community Justice Administrator for the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice. In her role as Community Justice Administrator she serves as Deputy Compact Administer and full-time Designee for the Interstate Commission for Juveniles. In addition, she oversees several areas to include, Statewide Arbitration, Prevention & Intervention, Teen After School Programs (TASC) and all community agency initiatives.  She received her B.A. from Claflin University. She has worked in various state agencies over the years to include the South Carolina Governor’s Office and the South Carolina Department of Social Services. Felicia is a board member for the non-profit Lighthouse for Life which is the only human trafficking shelter in the state of South Carolina. Felicia was instrumental in the development and implementation of the Office of Victims Services Education & Certification now known as the Department of Crime Victim Services Training, Provider Certification, and Statistical Analysis. Felicia has served as an instructor for state organizations, victim services and criminal justice organizations, including the National Institute of Justice Conference, South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy, Annual Victims’ Rights Week Conferences, and South Carolina’s Victim Assistance Academy, among others. She loves volunteering especially with her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

West Regional Representative

Nina Belli

Commission Immediate Past Chair/Commissioner/UNITY Coordinator, Oregon

Nina Belli serves as the Juvenile Interstate Compact (ICJ) Commissioner and Deputy Compact Administrator for Oregon, employed by the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) since 2018 and is currently serving as Chair of the ICJ Executive Committee. She has worked in diverse juvenile justice systems by overseeing and conducting the daily operations of 2 state’s ICJ offices in 2 separate regions over the course of 8 years: those being the Ohio and Oregon ICJ Offices. Ms. Belli served as Ohio’s ICJ Commissioner from 2014-2018. During her time with OYA, Ms. Belli has assisted in drafting legislation within the state of Oregon as well as various state policies in both Oregon and Ohio to ensure their state’s compliance with ICJ. Ms. Belli currently serves on the Oregon Department of Justice Trafficking Intervention Advisory Committee. Ms. Belli served for 4 years as the Midwest Region Representative and served on the Executive Committee in that role. In addition, Ms. Belli has also served as Vice Chair of the ICJ Executive Committee, Vice Chair of the Finance Committee and as the Alternate West Region Representative. Ms. Belli has conducted and participated in numerous ICJ trainings and seminars with juvenile courts, state juvenile justice departments, law enforcement, and social service agencies. Prior to her work with ICJ, Ms. Belli served as a Victim Advocate and as a Court and Agency Investigator at the city, county, and state levels of government. Ms. Belli is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work.

Ex Officio Victims Representative

Nataki B. Brown

Ex Officio Victims Representative, South Carolina

Nataki Ballard Brown is a 1996 graduate of South Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Work. She began her career in Victim Services in 1996 as a Victim Advocate with the Rape Crisis Network (currently known as Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands). As a Victim Advocate with Rape Crisis Network she was responsible for crisis intervention services, hospital, law enforcement and court accompaniment. Her position at Rape Crisis Network was partially funded by a Federal Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant, of which she was responsible for maintaining. In 1999, she assumed a new VOCA position with the 5th Circuit Solicitor’s Office as a Victim Advocate for Survivors of Sexual Assault. In 2003 she was appointed the Director of Victim Services for the 5th Circuit Solicitor’s Office. Nataki served as the President of the South Carolina Solicitor’s Association Victim Advocate Forum from September 2007 – February 2009. She currently serves as the Solicitor’s Association Forum representative for the South Carolina Victim Services Collaborative Council (VSCC). Throughout her 24 years in Victim Services, she facilitated and presented several trainings around South Carolina.