Training and technical assistance opportunities are available to all member states. National trainers, appointed by the Training, Education, & Public Relations Committee, facilitate training for the Commission.
Due to limited resources available, and to ensure fair and equitable treatment for each member state, requests for on-site training, specialized curriculum, or technical assistance must be made in accordance with the ICJ Administrative Policy 07-2009: Training and Technical Assistance.
Commissioners may submit a Training and Technical Assistance Request to the National Office for review and consideration.

Types of Training and Technical Assistance
Online Training (Live or On-Demand)
The Commission offers a variety of live and self-paced online media which can accommodate virtually all individuals with an internet browser.
Live trainings dates are announced in the Commission's newsletters and on the Commission's calendar.
The TalentLMS platform contains dozens of self-paced training modules for completion at your convenience. Learn more about the TalentLMS On-Demand training modules.
On-Site Training
Each member state is responsible for providing Interstate Compact training to Field Officers, Attorneys, Judges, State Council members, and any other interested personnel. The National Office may assist in these efforts by providing a National Trainer to facilitate on-site trainings or workshops at the request of a state’s Commissioner.
ICJ also recognizes that states are unique in their administrative structure and own internal procedures. If your ICJ Office would like to develop its own training sessions, the ICJ National Office can assist the ICJ State Offices in this endeavor.
Specialized Curriculum
In the event that your training needs exceed the current resources available, you may request that the National Office develop a specialized curriculum.
Reporting Training Data to the National Office
Has your ICJ Office completed a state-specific training? Submit your training data to the ICJ National Office by using the Training Report Form.

Are you new to your State Compact Office?
Check out the ICJ Mentoring Program!
The ICJ Mentoring Program was designed to support states while in transition to their new compact roles during the first year for continuity of state performance in accordance with the ICJ Rules.
Who is eligible to receive assistance? Any Commissioner, Compact Administrator, Deputy Compact Administrator, or other ICJ office staff transitioning tin their new compact role during the first year.
Mentors are available to provide guidance, technical assistance, and structured learning as required.
For more information, see the ICJ Administrative Policy 01-2019: Mentoring Program and the Mentoring Program webpage.