Human Trafficking Resources

ICJ Human Trafficking Resources

Key Concepts in Human Trafficking
White Paper: ICJ Returns, Human Trafficking, and Federal Authorities
Best Practice: Responding to Human Trafficking Victims Within ICJ

Human Trafficking Matrix

In 2014 the Polaris Project published State Ratings on Human Trafficking Laws. In 2016 the Human Trafficking Ad Hoc Committee surveyed states and compiled the following matrices to provide up-to-date information on the following topics:

Sex Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Asset Forfeiture for Human Trafficking
Investigative Tools for Law Enforcement
Training on Human Trafficking for Law Enforcement
Human Trafficking Commission or Task Force
Low Burden of Proof for Sex Trafficking of Minors
Posting a Human Trafficking Hotline
Safe Harbor - Protecting Sexually Exploited Minors
Victim Assistance
Access to Civil Damages
Vacating Convictions for Sex Trafficking Victims

Human Trafficking Matrices 

Note: This resource is revised when states report updates to the National Office. To update your state's information, please contact the National Office.

Human Trafficking Matrix - East Region
Human Trafficking Matrix - Midwest Region
Human Trafficking Matrix - South Region
Human Trafficking Matrix - West Region


Shared Hope International: Reports Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking 
National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth in the United States: Best Practices and Recommendations for States
National Human Trafficking Hotline
Polaris: State Ratings on Human Trafficking and Victims Assistance Laws
Protected Innocence Challenge - Toolkit 2019
Technology Facilitated Human Trafficking Infographic