West Region
Regional Representative
Nina Belli
Commission Immediate Past Chair/Commissioner/UNITY Coordinator, Oregon
Nina Belli serves as the Juvenile Interstate Compact (ICJ) Commissioner and Deputy Compact Administrator for Oregon, employed by the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) since 2018 and is currently serving as Chair of the ICJ Executive Committee. She has worked in diverse juvenile justice systems by overseeing and conducting the daily operations of 2 state’s ICJ offices in 2 separate regions over the course of 8 years: those being the Ohio and Oregon ICJ Offices. Ms. Belli served as Ohio’s ICJ Commissioner from 2014-2018. During her time with OYA, Ms. Belli has assisted in drafting legislation within the state of Oregon as well as various state policies in both Oregon and Ohio to ensure their state’s compliance with ICJ. Ms. Belli currently serves on the Oregon Department of Justice Trafficking Intervention Advisory Committee. Ms. Belli served for 4 years as the Midwest Region Representative and served on the Executive Committee in that role. In addition, Ms. Belli has also served as Vice Chair of the ICJ Executive Committee, Vice Chair of the Finance Committee and as the Alternate West Region Representative. Ms. Belli has conducted and participated in numerous ICJ trainings and seminars with juvenile courts, state juvenile justice departments, law enforcement, and social service agencies. Prior to her work with ICJ, Ms. Belli served as a Victim Advocate and as a Court and Agency Investigator at the city, county, and state levels of government. Ms. Belli is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work.
Robert Heide
Training Committee Chair, Alaska
- Direct Phone: (907) 465-2339
- FAX: (907) 465-8466
- Office Email: robert.heide@alaska.gov
- Personal Email: robert.heide@alaska.gov
- Commissioner
- Probation Only
- Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice
- PO Box 110635
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0635
Doug Sargent
Compact Administrator, Arizona
- Direct Phone: (602) 525-0695
- Office Email: dsargent@azdjc.gov
- Personal Email: dsargent@azdjc.gov
- Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- Arizona ICJ Office
- 100 N. 15th Ave, Suite #103
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Tony De Jesus
Deputy Compact Administrator/UNITY Coordinator, California
- Direct Phone: (661) 742-3835
- Office Phone: (916) 255-2781
- Office Email: Antonio.DeJesus@cdcr.ca.gov
- Personal Email: Antonio.DeJesus@cdcr.ca.gov
- DCA - Juvenile/Adult Parole Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- Division of Adult Parole Operations
- California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- 9825 Goethe Rd, Suite 200
Sacramento, California 95827
Brooke Montelongo
UNITY Coordinator, Colorado
- Direct Phone: (970) 420-1473
- Office Email: brooke.montelongo@state.co.us
- Commissioner (Primary Contact)
- Parole & Probation
- Colorado Division of Youth Services
- 2629 Redwing Rd.
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
Kristin Davidson
Compact Administrator, Hawaii
- Direct Phone: (808) 954-8222
- Office Email: kristin.l.davidson@courts.hawaii.gov
- Commissioner / Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- The Judiciary-State of Hawaii
- Office of the Chief Court Administrator
- 4675 Kapolei Parkway
Kapolei, Hawaii 69707
Anne Connor
Designee, Idaho
- Direct Phone: (208) 577-5406
- FAX: (208) 334-5120
- Office Email: Anne.Connor@idjc.idaho.gov
- Personal Email: Anne.Connor@idjc.idaho.gov
- Commissioner
- Parole & Probation
- Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
- 954 W. Jefferson Street; PO Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0285
Mike Barthel
Deputy Compact Administrator, Montana
- Direct Phone: (406) 945-1592
- Office Phone: (406) 808-7205
- Office Email: MBarthel@mt.gov
- Personal Email: MBarthel@mt.gov
- Commissioner / Deputy Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- Division of Corrections
- 422 1st Street, Suite 1
Havre, Montana 59501
David Laity
Compact Administrator, Nevada
- Direct Phone: (775) 687-2262
- Office Phone: (775) 688-1421
- FAX: (775) 688-2662
- Office Email: Dlaity@dcfs.nv.gov
- Commissioner / Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
- 751 Ryland Street
Reno, Nevada 89502
Dale Dodd
UNITY Coordinator/Finance Committee Chair, New Mexico
- Direct Phone: (505) 699-7476
- Office Phone: (505) 771-5958
- FAX: (505) 867-9655
- Office Email: Dale.dodd@cyfd.nm.gov
- Personal Email: Dale.dodd@cyfd.nm.gov
- Commissioner
- Parole & Probation
- CYFD/JJS/ICJ Office-4359 Jaeger Dr. Ste. C.
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87144
Nina Belli
Commission Immediate Past Chair/UNITY Coordinator/Regional Representative, Oregon
- Direct Phone: (503) 373-7569
- FAX: (971) 673-6701
- Office Email: Nina.Belli@oya.oregon.gov
- Commissioner
- Parole & Probation
- Oregon Youth Authority
- 45 82ND Drive, Suite 51B
Gladstone, Oregon 97027
Sonia Sweeney
Compact Administrator, Utah
- Direct Phone: (801) 578-3812
- Office Email: sonias@utcourts.gov
- Personal Email: sonias@utcourts.gov
- Commissioner / Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- Administrative Office of the Courts
- 450 S. State St.,
P.O. Box 140241
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-0241
Jedd Pelander
Commissioner, Washington
- Direct Phone: (360) 485-5113
- Office Email: wa-icj@dcyf.wa.gov
- Commissioner
- Parole & Probation
- Department of Children, Youth and Families
- Mail Stop: 40979; 1500 Jefferson St SE
Olympia, Washington 98501
Maureen Clifton
Compact Administrator, Wyoming
- Direct Phone: (307) 777-3570
- FAX: (307) 777-3693
- Office Email: ICJ@wyo.gov
- Personal Email: maureen.clifton@wyo.gov
- Commissioner / Compact Administrator
- Parole & Probation
- Department of Family Services
- 2300 Capitol Avenue, Hathaway Bldg. Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002-0490