Committee Chairpersons or Vice-Chairpersons (One Year Term)

  • Commission members who are interested in pursuing a chairperson or vice-chairperson position for one of the Commission’s existing committees are encouraged to express their interest, in writing, to the National Office.   No later than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting, the National Office will provide an online mechanism to be used for this purpose.
    • Only Commissioners & Full-Time Designees are eligible to serve as a chairperson or vice-chairperson.
  • Committees currently include: Compliance, Finance, Information Techn

Kellianne Torres, Deputy Compact Administrator - IA

"Kellianne goes above and beyond through her partnership with other states. When the NE DCA was out of the office for her first vacation in a year, Kellianne made a special point to reach out to the staff person covering the ICJ tasks to ask if she could help and offer support. This helps create the relationships and safety nets we all need to carry out the work of the ICJ and was so unexpected.

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