How many days can a juvenile be held in a secure facility before a hearing?

Juveniles who are detained while a non-voluntary return is pending may be held for a maximum of 90 calendar days.  

If a home/demanding/sending state is required to return a juvenile and fails to do so within ten (10) business days, a judicial hearing shall be provided in the holding state to hear the grounds for the juvenile’s detention.

At the hearing, the court determines whether the grounds submitted justify the continued detention of the juvenile.

Under what circumstances must a juvenile be returned using ICJ processes?

ICJ returns are generally required when a juvenile from another state is detained, including:

  • non-delinquent youths and status offenders who runaway;
  • accused delinquents and status offenders;
  • delinquent juveniles who escape, abscond, or flee to another state; and
  • juveniles under Compact supervision whether the transfer of supervision has failed.

Where can I get more information about victim services in my area?

Access the Office for Victims of Crime’s “Directory of Crime Victim Services” database to locate non-emergency crime victim services.  The interactive U.S. Resource Map of Crime Victim Services and Information provides information on local resources and agencies. In addition, SAVIN (Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification) offers a searchable map for victim services. 

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