Joy Swantz, DCA - WI

"In order to help a new ICJO colleague in another Midwest state learn JIDS and dig out from under a huge backlog of assignments, Joy asked to go on-site to the ICJO to assist in person. Joy spent two and a half days training, coaching and encouraging the new staff person, eventually reducing the JIDS assignments count from 286 to 93. Joy saw a need and selflessly shared her own time and skills to make the situation better." - Shelley Hagan, Commissioner, WI

Marisa Ruiz-Sabater, ICJ Supervisor and Emergency Backup - CT

"Marisa, who is my supervisor, is my ICJ emergency back up when I am out of the office or not available. While Marisa does not do the day to day ICJ work, she has worked very hard to understand and implement the Compact when I am out of the office, especially when dealing with runaway cases! She has done a stellar job over the past five years in dealing with the runaway cases. She always promises and tries so hard not to contact me with questions/issues when I am on vacation! She is a wonderful, supportive supervisor. I know that when I am out that the ICJ runaway cases are in good hands.

Stephen Horton, Deputy Compact Administrator - NC

"I want to express my deep appreciation for the help and support that Stephen Horton and Rachel Johnson provided to me. I’m new to ICJ and had only been in my position for about two months at the time. My supervisor was out of the office for the week; although she made herself available to me at any time, I didn’t want to disturb her if I didn’t have to. Fortunately, I would have my first return by air the week she was out. Of course, I wanted my first return to be perfect but that wasn’t the case. Everything was going smoothly until the plane’s departure was delayed for several hours.

Rachel Johnson, Compact Office Staff - NC

"I want to express my deep appreciation for the help and support that Stephen Horton and Rachel Johnson provided to me. I’m new to ICJ and had only been in my position for about two months at the time. My supervisor was out of the office for the week; although she made herself available to me at any time, I didn’t want to disturb her if I didn’t have to. Fortunately, I would have my first return by air the week she was out. Of course, I wanted my first return to be perfect but that wasn’t the case. Everything was going smoothly until the plane’s departure was delayed for several hours.

Rule 9-105: Dissolution and Withdrawal

  1. Dissolution

    The Compact dissolves effective upon the date of the withdrawal or default of a compacting state, which reduces membership in the Compact to one compacting state.

    Upon the dissolution of this Compact, the Compact becomes null and void and shall be of no further force or effect, and the business and affairs of the Commission shall be concluded and any surplus funds shall be distributed in accordance with the by-laws.
  2. Withdrawal

Rule 9-104: Judicial Enforcement

The Commission, in consultation with legal counsel, may by majority vote of the states that are members of the Compact, initiate legal action in the United States District Court in the District of Columbia or at the discretion of the Interstate Commission, in the Federal District where the Interstate Commission has its office, as authorized under the Constitution and laws of the United States to enforce compliance with the provisions of the Compact, its duly promulgated rules and by-laws, against any compacting state in default.

Rule 9-103: Enforcement Actions Against a Defaulting State

  1. The Commission shall not bear any costs relating to the defaulting state unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the Commission and the defaulting state.
  2. The Commission shall impose sufficient sanctions to ensure the defaulting state’s fulfillment of such obligations or responsibilities as imposed upon it by this compact and hold the defaulting state accountable. Sanctions shall be imposed in accordance with policies established by the Commission.
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