Tracy Cassell, Deputy Compact Administrator - GA
"Ms. Cassell continuously demonstrates excellent leadership and customer service to the Interstate Commission for Juveniles and Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice. As the Georgia Deputy Compact Administrator since August 1st, 2016, Ms. Cassell has devoted her services to ensuring the public safety for juveniles served throughout the Compact states. Ms. Cassell ensures the GADJJ Leadership Team is informed of critical changes and updates in the Compact as well as routinely trains GADJJ employees to apprised them of the procedures to comply with the Compact rules.
Roberta Eitner, Deputy Probation Officer - CA
"Deputy Probation Officer Roberta Eitner, is tasked with all juvenile compact matters for youth in Orange County, California. Over and again, she rises to the level of excellence in orchestrating the return of youth to their home state and coordinates with the compact staff, collaborative agencies, and parents. Recently Roberta facilitated the return of a youth to the state of Arizona where the youth was a 300 ward.