"Ms. Wagner has been West Virginia's Compact Administer since the beginning and knows the Compact inside and out. When I took the job of Commissioner, I had little to no time to even learn about the Compact and relied 100% on Ms. Wagner to handle everything, which she did without complaint while keeping me apprised of anything I might need to know about. She patiently deals with Probation Officers who who do not make learning the ICJ rules their priority and works even when not in the office to ensure all rules are met. In time, Randall taught me about the Compact, obtained members, organized and scheduled our Annual Advisory Board Meeting and helps other states whenever needed. In addition to her full time compact Administrator duties, she took on basically another full time job by helping our Department with invoices and payroll issues.
"Even though I now understand the Compact, I still don't have time to devote to it and therefore Randall continues to oversee the entire ICJ for the State of West Virginia. Ms. Wagner is currently training another employee on the Compact Administrator duties and responsibilities as she is planning on retiring in August. I'm not sure that you would call what she has done "above and beyond the call of duty", but I would. If it weren't for her, there is no way West Virginia would have remained in compliance these past couple years. Although I am happy for her, I worry about the loss of knowledge WV and the surrounding states will suffer when she retires. However knowing Randall, she will be no further than a phone call away to all of us! "
- Stephanie Bond, Commissioner, West Virginia