State Council Requirements & Responsibilities

 Key Role in Governance and Oversight 

The State Council is charged with providing oversight and governance to the state’s participation in the ICJ.  The State Council helps ensure state compliance and proper administration, and also helps seek improvements and adjustments to compact practice and process along the way.

As time goes on, maintaining an energized and engaged State Council is critical to lasting success. Such engagement can be achieved by providing State Councils with specific tasks such as assisting in the development of training on the ICJ for the state, guiding the development of mission, vision and goal statements and objectives.

Other examples include:

  • Assessing the compact office’s workload and equipment needs and recommending changes if needed
  • Recommending changes in compact office business processes and procedures
  • Designing a training curriculum and scheduling training for field officers, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, victim’s advocates, etc.
  • Presenting on the Compact at state conferences and other gatherings
  • Recommending changes to the Compact rules or make comments on proposed amendments to the ICJ Rules
  • Serving as an advocate for the Compact when seeking resources, improving operations, resolving disputes, and conducting training.
  • Developing Policies and Procedures
  • Raising the intrastate and interbranch visibility of the ICJ office and compact
  • Engaging in short- and long-term strategic planning for the compact locally, regionally and nationally
  • Helping to determine the staffing needs of your state’s compact office


 Key Relationships with Compact Administrator and Commissioner

Compact Administrator

As described in Article II of the Compact, the Compact Administrator is:

“the individual in each compacting state appointed pursuant to the terms of this compact, responsible for the administration and management of the state's supervision and transfer of juveniles subject to the terms of this compact, the rules adopted by the Interstate Commission and policies adopted by the State Council under this compact.” 

Thus, the Compact Administrator is ultimately responsible for implementing policies and procedures adopted by the State Council.  State Council members should become familiar with the basics of how your state administers the ICJ, such as how day-to-day administrative duties of the compact are handled and whether your state provides for a Deputy Compact Administrator and compact staff.


Commissioner and Authorized Representative

As the official representative from your state to the ICJ National Commission, the Commissioner plays a key role in advancing your state’s interests and concerns nationally with other member jurisdictions.  State Council members should have opportunities to provide consultation and direction to the Commissioner prior to National Commission meetings. 

The State Council plays an important role in the appointment of the Commissioner, as described in Article III of the Compact:

“The Interstate Commission shall consist of commissioners appointed by the appropriate appointing authority in each state pursuant to the rules and requirements of each compacting state and in consultation with the State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision created hereunder. The commissioner shall be the compact administrator, deputy compact administrator or designee from that state who shall serve on the Interstate Commission in such capacity under or pursuant to the applicable law of the compacting state.”

If the Commissioner is unable to participate in Interstate Commission meetings, an “Authorized Representative” may be designated for specified meetings.  The State Council should also be involved in this process, as set forth in the Compact:

. . .a commissioner, in consultation with the state council shall appoint another authorized representative, in the absence of the commissioner from that state, to cast a vote on behalf of the compacting state at a specified meeting.”

See Appendix B for a Commissioner/Authorized Representative Appointment Letter template.


 Annual Meeting Requirement

Effective March 1, 2020, the ICJ Rules require State Councils to meet “at least once annually.”

ICJ Rule 2-107: State Councils:

“Each member state and territory shall establish and maintain a State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision as required by Article IX of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles.  The State Council shall meet at least once annually and may exercise oversight and advocacy regarding the state’s participation in Interstate Commission activities and other duties, including but not limited to the development of policy concerning operations and procedures of the compact within that state or territory.  By January 31st of each year, member states and territories shall submit an annual report to the National Commission to include the membership roster and meeting dates from the previous year.”

Annual Reporting Requirement

By January 31 each year, each member state must submit a report regarding the previous year’s State Council activities to the National Commission. Additional requirements are set forth in ICJ Administrative Policy 01-2011 State Council Enforcement.

Member states may submit reports using the web-based State Council Report Form

 Technical Assistance Available

The ICJ National Office provides guidance and training to assist you and your state in fulfilling the requirements of the ICJ, including the State Council requirement. The ICJ website maintains a library of useful explanatory and training materials as well as opinions that may provide useful for your state. Likewise, the ICJ National Office and its staff are available to provide both remote and on-site training and assistance.  To request training or technical assistance, contact the National Office or complete a Training Request form at .