
Civil Age of Majority
The Juvenile Code does not contemplate a minimal age of criminality. Ten (10) is the minimal age for secure detention of a juvenile unless it is a capital offense. Must be at least thirteen (13) years of age in order to be declared as a JSO.
Age of Criminal Responsibility/Majority
The age of 18 triggers adult court jurisdiction.
Age Juvenile Case Can Be Transferred to Adult Court
Must be at least fourteen (14) years of age., under circumstances outlined in KRS 640.010. Contact ICJ Office for more information.
Maximum Probation Age
Youth can be probated to DJJ for up the age of 18 or if youth is 17.5 years of age- up to 1 year.
Maximum Parole Age
There is no age or offenses for parole eligibility. Youth can be committed up to the age of 18 to DJJ. If the youth is 17.5 years of age, then for a period of up to one (1) year. Youth can have the commitments extended up to the age of 21 if independent