In accordance with ICJ Rule 2-103, prior to the Commission voting on any proposed rule or amendment, the text of the proposed rule or amendment shall be published by the Rules Committee no later than 30 days prior to the meeting at which vote on the rule is scheduled.
The final versions of all Rule Amendments were posted on August 28, 2023.
View final proposals on the Rules History Page.
Public Hearing Requirements - ICJ Rule 2-103
Every public hearing shall be conducted in a manner providing each person who wishes to comment a fair and reasonable opportunity to comment. No transcript of the public hearing is required, unless a written request for a transcript is made, in which case the person requesting the transcript shall pay for the transcript. A recording may be made in lieu of a transcript under the same terms and conditions as a transcript. This subsection shall not preclude the Commission from making a transcript or recording of the public hearing if it so chooses.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a separate public hearing on each rule or amendment. Rules or amendments may be grouped for the convenience of the Commission at public hearings required by this section.
Following the scheduled public hearing date, the Commission shall consider all written and oral comments received.
Public Hearing Location
Sheraton Salt Lake City
Alta-Brighton Room
4:30 pm MST
Persons interested in speaking at the Public Hearing may submit their intent to speak and/or written comments to be read aloud (if not present) to:
MaryLee Underwood, Executive Director
Interstate Commission for Juveniles
836 Euclid Avenue, Suite 322
Lexington, KY 40502