Advance Nominations Process
- The nomination period for Regional Representatives opens no later than sixty (60) calendar days before the ABM, in years in which regional representatives are elected. The National Office will notify the Commission of the nomination period and provide a description of the roles and responsibilities for the position.
- Only Commissioners & Full-Time Designees are eligible to be nominated.
- Commissioners/Full-Time Designees may nominate themselves or another eligible member of their region. The National Office will contact nominees to determine if they accept the nomination.
- Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter, resume/cv, and a Statement of Interest.
- The Statement of Interest (SOI) should address how the candidate’s goals align with the ICJ Vision, Mission Values, and Results, including racial equity. The SOI should be approximately 100-500 words in length, although longer statements will not be excluded. Questions to address include:
- Why are you running?
- How does your candidacy align with the ICJ Vision, Mission, Values, and Results and commitment to racial equity?
- The National Office will compile and submit all nominee documentation to Commissioners no later than thirty (30) calendar days before the Annual Business Meeting.
Annual Business Meeting Process
- Regional Representatives (RR) generally lead Region Meetings, including elections, at the Annual Business Meeting. However, if a RR leads an election in which s/he is nominated, it can raise concerns about conflict of interest. Therefore, according to Robert’s Rules,
- If a RR is nominated, s/he will announce whether s/he accepts nomination.
- If the RR accepts the nomination, then the RR must recuse him/herself.
- The RR will identify an alternate to lead the election though the alternate cannot be a nominee or nominator for the position being discussed. Options include: an alternate RR, current Commission Officer, or National Office staff.
- During the Regional Meeting, candidates will have up to five (5) minutes to address the region prior to voting.
- If there is only one (1) candidate for a position, no vote is necessary. The RR will affirm the candidate has been elected by acclamation.
- If there is more than one (1) candidate, a vote will be conducted by paper ballot or electronically by anonymous ballot without the ability to write-in a candidate.