Advance Nominations Process
- The nomination period for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer opens no later than sixty (60) calendar days before the Annual Business Meeting (ABM). The National Office will notify the Commission of the nomination period and provide a description of the roles and responsibilities for each position.
- Regional Representatives and Officers will help ensure a diverse pool of candidates by encouraging members to nominate themselves or others, during scheduled meetings, via email, and/or via other communications.
- Only Commissioners & Full-Time Designees are eligible to be nominated and/or to make a nomination.
- Commissioners/Full-Time Designees may nominate themselves or another eligible member of the Commission. The National Office will contact nominees to advise them of the nomination and determine if they accept the nomination. Nominators will remain anonymous.
- Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter, resume/cv, and a Statement of Interest to the National Office.
- A candidate may be nominated for multiple offices. However, if they are elected into one office, they will not remain on the ballot for another officer position.
- The Statement of Interest (SOI) should address how the candidate’s goals align with the ICJ Vision, Mission, Values, and Results, including racial equity. The SOI should be approximately 100-500 words in length, although longer statements will not be excluded. Questions to address include:
- Why are you running?
- How does your candidacy align with the ICJ Vision, Mission, Values, and Results and commitment to racial equity?
- The National Office will compile and submit all documentation regarding advance nominations to Commissioners no later than thirty (30) calendar days before the Annual Business Meeting. Nominees will not be disclosed prior to this announcement.
Annual Business Meeting Process
- Regions will review the elections process and candidates.
- Regions will not vote to nominate candidates.
- Though advance nominations are encouraged, nominations from the floor will be accepted during the General Session.
- During the General Session, each candidate will address the Commission prior to voting for five (5) minutes or less. This reduces the need for person-to-person campaigning.
- Voting is conducted electronically by anonymous ballot, without the ability to write-in a candidate.