In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, states are experiencing challenges that were previously unimaginable in their work to implement the Compact. Due to declarations of emergency and other government-imposed restrictions, many states have found it difficult or impossible to comply with ICJ Rules, especially those related to timelines and procedures. Though the Executive Committee amended the Commission’s Emergency Guidelines policy to include provisions applicable when a crisis impacts multiple states, the extended nature of this crisis requires that additional steps be taken. Therefore, a Special Emergency Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 2:00 PM ET.
Pursuant to Section III, E of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles, I hereby call a Special Emergency Meeting of the Interstate Commission for Juveniles on Thursday, April 23, at 2:00pm ET for the purpose Emergency Rule Promulgation.
To view the proposed Rule 2-108: Emergency Suspension of Enforcement click here.
- Commission Chair Jacey Rader, Nebraska
NOTE: This meeting will be held via teleconference using WebEx Conference Software. Registration is REQUIRED. See registration link above.