Travel Permits Prior to Relocation for Parolees and Juvenile Sex Offenders
Travel permits are commonly used when it is necessary for the juvenile to relocate prior to acceptance of supervision. Id. at Rule 8-101. Special care must be taken when it is necessary for a paroled juvenile or a juvenile sex offender to relocate prior to the acceptance of supervision due to the lack of a legal guardian in the sending state. If the sending state determines that the circumstance justifies the issuance of a Travel Permit, it must provide a written explanation as to why regular procedures for submitting the referral could not be followed. Then, the sending state must provide the complete referral to the receiving state within ten (10) business days). The receiving state has discretion regarding whether to expedite the referral. Id. at Rule 4-102(2)(a)(ii)-(iii); Rule 4-103(3).