May 2017: Voluntary Return - Absconder

Article Date
Your Name
Gladys Olivares
Your State
Your Role
Compact Office Staff
Type of Return
Voluntary Return: Absconder
Rule(s) Applied
Circumstances of the return
Youth was a probation Absconder.
How the ICJ Rules assisted in the return

It gave us and the transport staff in the returning state a guide and what to do in this return.

Issues that occurred in the course of the return
Changes in transport staff made this return a bit harder to make the return occur with our time frames.
What didn’t the ICJ Rules address with regard to the return
If anything at all it didn't help with people not knowing rules and procedures of ICJ however once presented they were learned.
Tip(s) Learned
The return DID serve as a learning process for new transport staff and they were made aware of rules and time frame deadlines.